we will do it together

Dispute Avoidance And Resolution

Our lawyers fully understand the environment in which you operate. From giving pre-contract strategic advice on the effective drafting of dispute resolution procedures and arbitration clauses to providing comprehensive advice and effective representation at all stages if a dispute arises. We are deeply committed to assisting our client manage potential disputes effectively, avoiding unnecessary disputes and shepherding disputes to an early resolution wherever possible.  When arbitration proves necessary, we work with our clients to shape the arbitration to suit client needs and the characteristics of the dispute. Through our innovative approach to legal proceedings, we strive to meet the dual challenge of reducing the legal spend and time involved in the process while obtaining the best possible outcome.

We also advise on the effective negotiation and drafting of international arbitration agreements, together with guidance on choice of forum, interim measures, enforcement of awards, and asset recovery strategies. We have substantial experience representing both respondents and claimants, and a very strong track record of obtaining successful results for our clients.

“Liberty is the right to do what the law permits.”


we are part of the family. all the way through.