we will do it together


Gonen Law advises sponsors, governments, construction companies and lenders on projects and project financings across energy, infrastructure, mining and telecoms internationally. Our lawyers win praise for their technical ability as well as their commercial, pragmatic approach to project work, providing a comprehensive service, including:

  • advising on and implementing joint ventures and consortium arrangements
  • proposing and implementing effective project structures
  • advising on and implementing all type of PPP models (BOT, BOOT, DBFO, DBFM, PFI etc)
  • conducting legal due diligence
  • advising on risk allocation between the project participants
  • reviewing the “bankability” of project agreements for lenders and prospective borrowers
  • advising lenders and prospective borrowers and advising on financing arrangements, together with associated security packages and considerations.

“Liberty is the right to do what the law permits.”


plan of action

know your rights

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One step ahead

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building your case

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achieving your goals

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we are part of the family. all the way through.

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you are not alone

our professional services Include:

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Issues that may arise in family law